Establishing a business in the United Arab Emirates

It’s no mystery why free trade zones are so popular. Tax advantages include:

  • No corporate or personal income tax.
  • 100% ownership of businesses.
  • 100% repatriation of money and profits.
  • No exchange rate limits.
  • 100% exemption from import and export duties.

The opportunity also comes with fantastic networking chances and a flexible lifestyle.

Real estate

Freelancing in Dubai

1. Choose your business activity (or activities)

Deciding on the type of business you want to run in the Dubai Free Zone is the first step because it will determine where you can register your company. Will you be working for yourself to run your company? Or will you establish a business in the free zone and hire staff members?

Although establishing a firm as a freelancer may be less expensive, not all of Dubai’s free zones grant permits for independent contractors, which limits your alternatives. A corporation in a free zone has many other options, including all-inclusive and sector-specific zones. The kind of permission you apply for will also depend on the activities you intend to engage in, such as professional services, online sales, business ventures, trade, etc.

2. Selecting the Free zone suitable for you business

The next step is to identify which free zone is best for you after deciding on the business type you want to establish. You can select from numerous incredible free zones in the UAE. It cannot be easy to pick through their list and choose the location where you wish to run your business.

What will we do next?
When making this choice, there are several things to consider, beginning with whether you want to establish a firm in a free zone targeted at a specific industry. In Dubai’s free zones, successful occupations in particular industries include:

  • Healthcare
  • ICT
  • Manufacturing
  • Design Outsourcing
  • Outsourcing
  • Media
  • Maritime
  • Science
  • Finance