Swift Consulting, s.r.o.

Swift Consulting, s.r.o. is a well-known company both domestically and internationally! We are willing to assist in any way, from finding a competent representative to processing grant titles, and we are not afraid of bureaucratic obstacles.

About us

Forms to download

Some important forms that will make it easier for us to work together.

Our partners

In the long term, we maintain correct and friendly business relations. We value professionalism and, above all, a human approach in our partners.

Poznejte náš tým

Mgr. Adriana Kropáčková

Efektivní pomoc s bezpečnou a hladkou obchodní či realitní transakcí díky mnohaletým zkušenostem

Bc. Petra Mašínová

Backoffice manager

Natálie Lokota

Area Manager, DXB