Buying and selling companies

You’re apprehensive about starting a business and want to make it simpler. Our offer to buy a company is just for you. A simple approach to launching a business is to purchase a ready-made one. You eliminate every step of the legalization process, including the share capital deposit. In the case of a going concern for sale, it is always a company with proper accounting and no debts. We can also provide the business with a qualified representative at a special price in specific circumstances.

There are limited companies to choose from; you can select between non-payers and payers of VAT (monthly or quarterly). Another option is an established or ready-made public limited company and employment agency. The employment agency is the main obstacle to fulfilling the varied requirements. All requirements are met by the job agency we sell.

Buying and selling companies

Spending plans and visualizations

Responsible representative

Building approvals, building supervision

Other services

In our offer, you can find many companies that have these basic parameters:

Companies - Quarterly VAT payers

The buyer pays the transfer
In case of quick negotiations discount
Selling guide price 120 000 CZK

Companies - Monthly VAT payers

The buyer pays the transfer
In case of quick negotiations discount
Selling guide price 65 – 120 000 CZK

Newly established companies and freelance licenses on request

You create a power of attorney, and we care for everything else for you.
You come up with your company name, and we will notarize it.
Do you need to set up a business right away? We can arrange a responsible representative for all types of trades.

Employment agencies

Permission for all groups without limitation a), b), c).
The responsible representative is included indefinitely, subject to statutory conditions.
Documented debt free with all concerned authorities.
Transfer to be paid by the buyer.
Approximate price 780 – 880 000 CZK. It always depends on the agreement.