Your partner for business
Swift Consulting
Utilize an experienced partner’s knowledge and put the burden on their shoulders.
What’s new with us?
You are missing a part of the practice for the plumbing trade or you need an official registration...
We will sell new company from 3/2024, monthly VAT payer, registered office paid by 12/24. We...
Prodáme čistou a novou firmu z 3/2024, měsíční plátce DPH, sídlo do 12/24 uhrazeno. Převod a...
How can we help?
Offer of services
Buying and selling companies
You’re apprehensive about establishing a business and want to make it simpler. Our offer to buy a company is just for you.
Responsible representative
The Responsible Representative service enables you to meet the basic requirements imposed by the laws of the Czech Republic on specific business areas.
Approval and construction supervision
A formal process called approval is carried out per legal standards. If the law mandates that your building receive permission, you must file for a so-called approval consent, which the responsible building authority will either approve or reject. The guidelines for distributing building permits and subsequent approvals have undergone significant revision as of 2018. Use the A to Z Building Approval service if you don’t want to struggle through the maze of many formalities yourself.
Other services
Services in the field of public administration. Establishing and managing social media platforms.